Friday, February 01, 2008


Hi everyone! Everything is going well here in Helsinki. It has been suprisingly easy for us to get acclimated and feel comfortable with the city. (I, of course, still don't know where I'm going half the time but luckily I have 3 lovely roommates that take pity on me and drag me around) Pretty much everyone speaks at least a little bit of English. The bulk of Finland works in some kind of service-related field and because the Finnish language is so unique/difficult, knowing English is kind of a requirement.

I've been here a week and don't have too many pictures yet...Dad. These I actually took the day after we got here. Christina and I decided to go down by the water to the outdoor market and check out the goods. Tommy would be happy to know that a few of the venders specialized in those Russian-style fur hats. I will fit right in :)

This is a picture, obviously, by the water. Thankfully the sun was out when we got here, which is apparently a rare occurance in the winter. These past few winters in Helsinki have been strangely warmer-than-usual. As you can see, the sea isn't even frozen over yet.

I hope everyone is doing well. I'll try to post when I can. Studio officially starts Monday so that might not happen for too much longer.
Hei hei!


Blogger Jackie said...

So great to hear what is going on with you. Thank you for finding time to blog. Do you have an address? Good luck with studio.
Oh...your Dad called me to say check the blog as he noticed I had yet to add a comment.

7:09 PM  

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