Saturday, August 02, 2008

We're coming to Tampa

Laura and I are beginning to plan our packing for the trip to Tampa next week. We are looking forward to seeing everybody - Jenifer: will you still be in town? If so we will try to get together with you. Maybe with Marshall and Diane if we can. We leave on Friday and will reach Tampa Saturday in time for Laura's mother's birthday. We will stay for the week and leave the next Saturday. Then I will have to get back to NC and get ready for classes.

Monday we baby sit little Mickey for a few hours. I went in to see him last week for a refresher course in diaper changing - though 'refresher' is probably the wrong word. He is getting bigger, though he is still a peanut as his mother says. Last week Laura took Maggie to see the Red Herring Puppets at the library do Aesop's Fables. They both loved it. Later in the week I took her home with me on the big bus. While I was fumbling to pay the bus driver she marched with her backpack straight back to the big bench seat in the back and took it over. She loved the big bus too.

Oh, by the way, we will be bringing Leo with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jenifer told me today she leaves on the 23rd so you'll get to see her.

7:57 PM  

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