Monday, October 27, 2008

Trip to Treasure Island

It was a little cooler yesterday, so Judy and I went over to the beach and took a walk in the late afternoon. It was real nice. The breeze was blowing and not too hot, even with the sun shining and no clouds. Where we started walking there was a big group having a "drum circle" and we could listen to the beat for a while as we walked. We went by the Katiki and listened to a little music from a group that I had seen before. They do bluegrass and Gypsy jazz (if you can buy that story.) They have a base player, a guitar, mandolin and a flute. Good musicians. (Actually very few bluegrass bands have a flute player.) I'll put up photos of Judy and of me along with a shore bird at sunset.


Blogger Jackie said...

Great photos. Perfect weather for walking the threat of heat stroke. Which beach as I couldn't tell.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Does the title of the blog give you any clue, or do I need to be more specific?

4:33 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Ok! Who out there is posting comments under my name??

Like do you think I never read the headlines.

Evelyn Wood Speedreading is a fraud!

4:49 PM  

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