Sunday, December 14, 2008

Scott and Laura's Christmas list

Laura is concerned that after the modesty of Art and Jackie's list this might sound a bit much, but she says she wanted to give people a chance to find stuff. So first off, Laura's list:

Movies (DVD): Wall-E, Kung-Fu Panda

Music: Loreena McKenntt "A Midwinter Night's Dream." or Mary Chapin Carpenter "Come Darkness, Come Light."

Books: A good edition of Moby Dick, Rose Levy Beranbaum's The Bread Bible, Harold McGee's On Food and Cooking (we found this title on "" which is a really interesting food site, btw).

And of course, the perennial Flannel Sheets (queen size, pale yellow or blue).

For Scott:
Oh, the usuall: good dark beer, brandy, pens or ink, a pepper grinder (!). Gift certificates to Borders or some other book store.

That should give folks an idea. Don't spend very much this year. Give to charity. Love one another and all that stuff.


Blogger Jackie said... I feel bad that my list was so tiny. That's all I could think of but whoever can just buy whatever they think I'd like...everyone knows how pickie I am.

I take L in a white drawstring pair of pants. I thought of that after the lipstick item. Had 2 pairs, at different times, from Avon that I wore several times a week and each ripped up the back left leg as I got into the car. There're now in the rag bag.

2:09 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Scott's friends would like to remind everyone that we have been working very hard with him for several years now on his, ahem, "problem" with fountain pens. After all the progress he's made, we'd hate to see him backslide into addiction. Please, we beg you all, don't act as enablers.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Mary, but what is family for but to enable!

9:49 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Great. I'll just go ahead and schedule the next intervention for mid-January.

9:52 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Hey hey hey. Did I write _fountain_pens? Besides, they are working tools - I need them. Besides, Mickey has to have something to take in and out of my pockets.

And you could opt for the alcohol. No problem there.

(I think I am going to be out of town in mid-January - yes, I'm sure of it).

12:02 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Hmm, "I need them." Is it precious? You and Gollum; not addicts at all.

3:32 PM  

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