Monday, March 23, 2009

Following Bartram's Trail


Blogger Jackie said...

Like the way pictures posted with the pink border. Where is this place? Good seeing you this weekend!

5:21 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like a great weeked!

There is a book you may be interested in reading: Footprints Across the South: Bartram’s Trail Revisited
By James Kautz -- it's really good

Here is a link to the book if you'd like to check it out. I got my copy at Barnes and Noble, but here is the publishers website and info about the book.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am either getting more and more like Jackie or my low level dyslexia (caused by being left handed, no doubt) kicked in because when these replies appeared on my AOL mail page I thought it said "Following Bartarm's Trial." I was wondering if there was some distant relative who had had an unfortunate run in with the law.

Never mind.

11:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any azaleas! Didn't you take any pictures of the azaleas?

7:52 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Thanks Elizabeth, I was thinking the same thing but was too slow on making a comment. By the way, who the heck is Holly?

7:30 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Yes I was wondering just who is Holly, where has she been and how did she get here? Does someone know her or did she just "discover" us?

5:03 AM  

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