Thursday, December 29, 2011

Change in Mother's condition

This afternoon after the start of her physical therapy Mother fainted, or as they say, "was unresponsive." Blaine was there with her. The staff at the rehab center immediately called 911 and she was transported back to Memorial Hospital. When Laura and I got there initial tests had been run but didn't seem to tell us very much. She is now readmitted to the hospital. When I last spoke to her she seemed to be feeling better and was certainly clear headed. But it is clear the day took a lot out of her and she was tired.

Tomorrow we hope to know more.


Blogger Jackie said...

Blaine came up with good point. She had been on IV fluids the entire hospital stay and removed from it the day sent to Rehab. Then dinner at Rehab nothing she could eat so she was brought a grilled cheese. Only taking tiny sips of water. Then "the drill" which I thought would be walking on a walker at least the first day but it was a lot more. Thinking all these factors contributed to her having this "episode".

6:48 AM  
Blogger Jeanne said...

I am glad at least that it is nutritional weakness rather than anything else. I will stay in touch through your blog and hope that I see increased progress. I am planning on seeing Bucky on Sunday. I will call and see where your Mother is before I leave St. Petersburg. The visits to him wear me out any more. My knee and ankle pain from arthritis really does get to me. Please tell Helen that she is in my thoghts and prayers and that I hope to see her soon when she is feeling a bit better. Jeanne

12:35 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Jeanne so glad you might get by to see Mother. I've got arthritis in my right shoulder and I think right leg as at night my shin aches. I understand. Great to hear from you.

6:52 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Mother tonight seemed in good spirits. Not eating a whole lot. Walked just a little this morning and was tired. They made her sit up in the chair longer then she wanted but didn't tell her why - just didn't bother answering her button (or so someone told me...sorry I forgot who). She hasn't heard much from the doctors so I guess she will be there a bit longer. They had her on a cardiac diet (no caffeine, no sugar, etc) but this morning I talked to the dietician who said she changed it to a low residue diet...but as of 6pm they still showed it as a cardiac diet...guess we'll see what she gets for breakfast tomorrow.

7:41 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I overheard the nurse at station say to another after Mother's 3rd ring "hasn't set up long enough". Figured talking about her.
Will check her breakfast this morning.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Laura and I will just miss you. Hope you had a happy Christmas and a Good New Year. Say hi to Bucky the next time you see him for us.

Scott and Laura

8:26 AM  

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