Thursday, June 22, 2006

Meghan & Elizabeth's Life

Well....I don't have much to say but felt sorry that NOBODY ELSE IS CONTRIBUTING TO THIS BLOG!

Meghan is going to day care this week and having a wonderful time - $3.00 Monday for the water slide, $3.00 Tuesday for the moonwalk and tomorrow is water day (no charge). They went to Diansaur World today ($7.00) but as Meghan has been about 4-5 times and it's outside - very hot and lots of mosquitos - Meghan (and I mostly) decided she didn't need to go again. Next week she will be going to dance camp at the dance studio where she takes during the year. I will have to drop her off at Mother's every day and then she will take and drop her off at 9:00. D.W. (hopefully) will pick her up at 5:00 everyday - otherwise I will have to leave work early and as much as I would like that I am very busy.

I am now on my 4th boss in 2 years, but my new boss will be my old boss from when I first went out there. That is a good thing, but.....they are combining the Tampa North office (where I am) with the Tampa South office all under 1 manager (mine). Which means I will be supporting about 18 supervisors instead of just 9. It's already starting to stress me out a bit. My present boss is retiring and his last day will by June 30 - then the real fun will begin!!!

Meghan's birthday is coming up soon - July 6. I plan on having the family over the Sunday following (July 9). I'm not sure what I will do for her as far as a friend's birthday party. She has said she wants a sleepover but I have nixed that idea. Now I have to come up with something else - any ideas???

Well, I guess that is enough about my exciting life. Oh, here's something exciting - I will be getting all the Verizon fiber services soon - phone, internet and TV. Everyone will have to come over and try out the computer to see if it's really that much faster and also try out the 180 TV channels - can't imagine all those channels!!! We only look at 3 - Disney, Nick an Cartoon channel. Oh well, I have to support my company - such a loyal employee am I!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Elizabeth, When Joey and Emmy were Meghan's age, I can remember that they had parties at skating rinks and bowling alleys. I specially liked the bowling alley parties because the gutters were filled with a balloon-like contraption, and I could actually bowl higher than a 32. Or maybe take a few to the movies and out for ice cream after?

11:26 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Thanks! We did think about the bowling - just a few girls - not her whole class. The movies might work too - just depends on what is out in a few weeks. Wish you both were here to come with us - but sounds like you are enjoying Maggie when you need a little childhood adventure!

9:12 PM  

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