Wednesday, August 16, 2006

We're back in North Carlina

We made it back this afternoon about 4:30. It was another easy trip - of course I can say this because I was napping under my hat while Laura was driving and the heavy rain hit.

Leo says that his favorite rest stop is the Georgia welcome station just south of South Carolina on 301. It has a lovely (and interesting) doggy walk. Laura says the folks there are very nice, too.

We both had a good time while we were down there and we don't actually hold any of you personally responsible for the blazing heat. Glad we could help Mother celebrate her 75th birthday (I'm still trying to make up for the time I told her on her 60th that I'd been telling people she was 'around 60' for years). We enjoyed the tour of Jackie and Art's place. It had a lot more space than I expected.

I'll try to write some more about the trip on the Not Mayberry site in a day or two. We are still trying to settle back in and get ready for work tomorrow. Ben and Mosby came out from hiding right away. I think that means they are glad to see us. Well, two of us anyway.

Jen - if you read this - how about some updates on life in St Louis?
And Marshall - sorry we didn't get to take you and Diane out to dinner. Next time!


Blogger Blaine said...

Wow, I wish I could sit back and sleep while someone else did the driving in all the bad conditions.

5:08 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

It was mostly an accident of timing and I was so groggy Laura thought she was better off doing the driving.

It helps if you can hide under a hat.

12:48 AM  

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