Sunday, July 23, 2006

Our trip to Tampa

Now that we have missed almost everyone's birthday, Laura and I will be coming to Tampa. We will try to leave on 6 Aug and arrive the next day, the 7th. We'll stay for a week or so. Jenifer - will you still be in town?

We intend to take las dos Madres over to Steak and Shake for their birthday meals, or any place else they might suggest. They certainly a cheap date.

Does anyone know how to e-mail John and Karen? I e-mailed them with the addresses I had, but I don't think the messages went through. In any case I've seen no sign of them on the blog. Do they even know it exits?


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Their email address if They do not have a computer at home and they are limited with what they can view on their work computer. Yes, I'm fairly certain they know of the blog - they just do not have the means/opportunity to visit often.

8:03 PM  

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