Friday, February 15, 2008

Laura, Just Imagine This!

Just imagine everyone...just checked Helsinki weather report and it's 16 right now and feels like 4 but it's going to get way up to 33 tomorrow with light snow....brrrrr.
Wearing all your your hats, sweaters and coats might help, Jen.


Blogger laura said...

That's awful. We have had a colder winter this year than we have had in a couple of years: some mornings at 9 degrees, Moravian Creek with a layer of ice from bank-to-bank, one real snow and some sleeety, icey, WINDY weather. I don't like it, but Leo doesn't mind. Everybody else tells me their dogs won't go out, but Leo still wants his two regular walks. I can't wait for Spring.

7:39 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

That doesn't sound all that bad. Worse night I remember in Minnesota was when I went to a Minnesota Historical Society party and it was about -20. That's 20 below. Most of the cars wouldn't start when we came out to go home.

11:09 AM  

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