Thursday, March 06, 2008

Paint you heart out

OK. A couple of photos to show that I was at Paint you Heart Out this past week end. These were taken by James the fellow from King in charge of out group. The first one both Judy and I think looks like Dad. The other was taken at the party where I switched to better hat for being out in the sun.


Blogger Scott said...

Yes. Yes, you do look like dad. In his later years. His 'hat phase.'

btw, Laura always like the gold lame hat he wore one day at 'the Center.' He found it somewhere and thought it looked great.

11:14 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Think he had slipped into Miss Roberta's room and when they "retrieved" him he left with the gold lame hat.

It sure does look like dad!

Laura DON't read the next paragraph!

Yesterday, roughly 7am Tampa time, the temp in Helsinki was 1 degree warmer than Boone. Boone always seems to be a couple of degrees colder than Wilkesboro.

7:16 PM  

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