Sunday, February 24, 2008

Our friend Maggie is reunited with her family

Last night Mary and Mickey, now 9 months old, made it in from Ireland to the Charlotte Airport. I was driving over from Winston where I had spent the afternoon and once I got on I-77 heading towards Charlotte I looked over and saw a silver gray Suburu WRX, just like Martin's car. It was too dark for me to see inside so I could not be sure. Then as I pulled in behind it I could see a little pale hand in the gloom waving to me. I knew it was Maggie.

Yes, Mickey is just as cute as all his pictures and videos. He was a bit nervous about my beard at first, but then seemed ok with me. He loves his big sister - every time she says something to him he looks right at her and smiles. When they got in the car a very tired Mickey started to cry - until Maggie sang to him. Calmed him right down.

They are going to need some time together for the next few days, though Maggie is going to continue to go to Kindergarten. If you want to read a local paper's account of it, click here. My take on it is here.



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