Sunday, February 17, 2008

Our trip to Spain!

I forgot to write about our big news. Laura and I are going to Spain for the Spring break, 9-16 March. We will fly into Lisbon for a few days, then take an 8 hr bus trip to Sevilla where we will probably meet Joey and Emily. Then we may go to Cordoba and other day trips around the area. Should be a lot of fun. Unfortunately it means we won't be able to come to Tampa to see everybody this time.

Oh well. One must make sacrifices.



Blogger Jackie said...

So happy that the 2 of you will be going to Spain and get to hook up with Joey and Emily. Please take and post pictures of them as its been ages and I want to see how they look today. Guess you can't fly home via Finland. HaHa.

3:30 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Forgot....we will all miss you at Easter and that means if John doesn't come Art will be sticking with the cheap "Natural" beer.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Jackie, if you want to see Joey and Emily just go over to the right of our blog and click on "Where's Joey today". It's very interesting and usually has lots of photos.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I've been doing that but never saw anything new. I'll take a closer look. Thanks.
Also, some of the pictures I wanted to put on blog I first put them on desktop. That was only way I could figure out to get them from Kodak Gallery. Perhaps that would that work with a few of Jen & friends.

6:06 PM  

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