Sunday, February 17, 2008

Events in North Carolina

Not too much bad weather. I have posted stuff over on Not Mayberry about Leo, and about Maggie's trip with us for Chinese New Year's celebration at Wake Forest. It was great fun to be there with her and Martin, her dad. She wore a gorgeous Vietnamese outfit they had bought in the Old Country. A bright read top with silk white pants - the type of outfit Judy used to wear.

Whenever the Chinese dancers did their routines she would dance along with them - she is a good mimic and loves to dance by herself. The last time we went over to her house she danced an original piece of choreography - the Crane Dance, complete with long ribbons on her arms to flutter like wings.

At the Celebration there were lots of little girls and boys in traditional Chinese dress, and a surprising number of little girls in Korean dress. Maggie though was unique in her Vietnamese outfit.

The Quigley's still have heard nothing final from the gov't but it looks like they will finally win their appeal. It is causing too much heat for the State Department and Martin thinks the masters in Washington are about to read the riot act to the folks at the American Embassy in Hanoi. I sure hope so anyway.

My other niece, Joanna Xianzhen, came to see me in my office the other day. Of course, I had to lay aside all the work I was doing to talk to her. We watched the trailers for "The Golden Compass" on the computer and talked about her Dad's book about Sam Ervin. It is making quite a splash in North Carolina. He has been on TV and radio a number of times. Joanna, who loves Harry Potter, is now referring to her Dad as Gilderoy Lockheart (a Harry Potter inside-joke).

So that is about it from the foothills of North Carolina


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