Friday, February 15, 2008

The Fair!

Well, we made it home from the Fair. We left about 9:15 a.m. and got home about the same time p.m. We had fun, but I think we stayed about an hour too long. Meghan was tired but just didn't want to give up. It was a Pepsi arm band day, so we each got an armband for $25 and than could ride what ever we wanted. We rode :

  • both roller coasters (one of them several times),
  • went in many fun houses many, many times,
  • the big slide several times (I couldn't make it up the 116 steps more than 3 times but Meghan went several more times with out me),
  • the tilt-a-whirl a couple times (yuck!) and she rode a couple without me,
  • the sky ride,
  • the swings (2x),
  • a flume ride 3x and than it broke right after we got off and they had to walk the people down,
  • the super-Himalayan (2x) - very painful as one person ends up squishing the other up against the side of the car,
  • and her most favorite was a thing called the MoseRide. You sit in a row and it takes you up and then drops you part way down, takes you up again and drops you again. I guess it feels like someone throwing you up in the air and catching you. I did not go on this at all....but Meghan went on it about a dozen times or more.

I'm sure there were a couple other things she went on but I'm too tired to remember. We won 3 things, ate at lunch at the Food Mall (all food is $2 and drinks $1), bought fudge, corn on the cob, corn dog and cotten candy, looked at the rabbits, poultry, cows and horses.

Well, I think that about sums it up! Fun, fun, fun!!! My feet are killing me!!


Blogger laura said...

I'm feeling queasy just reading the list. Sounds like you got your $25 worth. Maybe Busch Gardens helped you train for the fair.

7:26 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Art & I missed the Food Mall. You'll have to tell me where it was. We spent $7 on 2 corn dogs (the small ones) and that was it for food, nothing to drink. Hopefully you both will sleep in today.

7:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, everything was very fun. The thing I liked the maost was the fun houses. One of my favorite fun houses was one the at the begining had stairs that moved back and forth, other moving things, and at the end had a spinning barrel that you walked through. My other favorite fun house was one that you walked through and had a bunch of stuff and at the end had a metal bench that was controlled by a man. You sit on it and he asks you if your hands are in your lap, says, " See ya!", then presses a button and you fly down on a convarer belt and out the exit.


6:23 PM  

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