Monday, February 25, 2008

Back from Utö

I just returned to Helsinki from our 10-day stay on the island of Utö, the site of our studio projects. It is a small place with about 50 inhabitants. Apparently it gets a lot of visitors in the summers but right now it is just locals...and us. The place is slowly trying to become a tourist destination so our projects kind of speak to that. (For more about the island, go here)

We are designing two things for the island. Our main project is a sanctuary of silence; "a non-confessional scared refuge where anyone has a chance to satisfy their need-personal or collective-for worship, meditation, or for mere silence-regardless of their religion." The complex will be near or on the old military barracks we stayed in. The second project is something we will actually go back and build in April. We are all to design a small 4 square meter pavillion on the rocks near the water. One or two will get chosen by our professor to build. I'll let you know how they both come along.

I've been putting my photos on Snapfish so if any of you would like links to view them, please give me your email addresses. I can either send you just my photos or all the ones in my group (60+ albums). Just let me know. XOXO


Blogger Jackie said...

Your Dad told me how to get into Snapfish and I've been looking at the pictures. Helsinki buildings are so beautiful. Thanks for all the info on what's going on with your project and the article. Glad you are having such a wonderful, interesting time. Your friends all look so nice.

5:44 AM  

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