Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Blob (I mean Blog) Help

Thank you Blaine for helping me find a solution to the BLOB issue!

I located the Dashboard (finally) and discovered the Jessee's Place blog was NOT listed, so I fixed that and here I am posting. Yeah, yeah!!!!

As most of you know, I have taken up Belly Dancing. There will be a FREE recital on Mother's Day at 2:00 PM in Lakeland and I will be dancing in two numbers. I take this time to invite my extended family to see this recital and of course me. Plenty of dancing girls for all to see!!!

I will post directions to the Lake Mirror Center at a later date for those interested in attending.

Again, thank you Blaine for your help.


Blogger laura said...

Well, DARN! I hate we can't see you. I hope there will be pictures or video available. Break a leg!

10:06 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Well...I have the answer...if you all come at the 4th of July Picnic at our house....Gail can perform...yeah sure! At least at the performance the audience is in the dark, she's with others & she can't really see people...not like our living room.

If I can figure out about my mother-in-law being Mother's Day I can use my cell for videos. Then I just have to figure how to post them for ALL to see.

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay Jackie - please interpret - "If I can figure out about my mother-in-law being Mother's day I can use my cell for videos." ???

And I'm very proud of Gail posting!

8:23 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Well....what I meant was "what will we do about Doris on Mother's Day. If I can go, my camera (not my cell) takes video." I can then...if I figure out how...can post the video on blog. Hopefully this makes more sense.

5:25 PM  

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