Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Somebody post something!

OK. Here's something not too major. Judy and I went to an art show over at Raymond James (the office not the stadium) and took a few photos. I had posted some items from the outside collection a while back. I said that everything was by John Coleman, but that was not correct. While several of the items were his, others were of a variety of Western artists, some of whom were at the show. We did get to speak to said John Coleman.

Since it was a "western" art show I wore my hat that had belonged to Uncle Blaine. Judy took some photos of me. Here are some from the show with the first being me with the hat.


Blogger Clemens said...

I like the picture of Judy and her hat. You, on the other hand, are looking more and more like dad.

10:40 PM  

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