Saturday, April 12, 2008


This was Meghan's Girl's Night Out (GNO) with her Girl Scout Troop. They went to the beauty salon, then a limo picked them up at 2:00 to drive them around for 3 hours and drop them off at the St. Pete Pier where they were going to eat dinner at the top at Cha Cha Coconuts. I will have to pick her up at 7:00. They made a stop by the house and I took a few pics. Meghan had them straighten her hair at the beauty makeover. I know the pic of the limo with Meghan standing next to it is bad but I was hurrying (and I think a little shocked at how different she looked with her hair straight).


Blogger Blaine said...

OK. I see all the photos of Meghan's friends. So when are you going to post a photo of Meghan.

7:16 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

She looks so different! Glad I had prepared Mother! Great pictures! Great look!

9:28 PM  
Blogger Mary, Martin, Maggie and Mickey said...

Wow -- when I was a girl scout we went camping in February and didn't shower for three days. It sounds like the times they have a' changed!

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Meghan has been camping but it's not the same as when I went either. They have indoor plumbing in the cabins - showers, etc. They only go for 1 night, they don't cut the wood for the fire and they don't cook over the fire. Breakfast was cold food - no cooking bacon over the fire in the a.m. Camping is not my thing either but I was a little disappointed when I went with them the last time. Meghan has decided camping is not something she likes....but I'm sure she will go again if the girls went...never wants to miss anything.

9:14 PM  

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