Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last trip this Christmas to see Mother

It's early for me: 8:15. I am going to swill down some coffee and head down to the hospital to see Mother. When Laura and I saw her yesterday she seemed to have recovered from her 'nonresponsiveness." She had much more energy and looked alert. Still seems to have as much sense as any of us. A bit more than some of us. I managed to knock her IV out. The fluid mixed with a bit of blood and look like she was bleeding all over the place but the nurses rushed in and took care of it. It was mostly IV fluid anyway.

I hope that she will be able to get her strength back and be able to go back to her own condo at least for awhile yet. I assume changes will have to be made. The first day in town I heard Mother and Gertrude talking about what to do for extra help. I think Steve Osteen will help with whatever financial arrangements might be needed.

With all the little new communication devices we are all just a click away. Well, most of us. When we get back to NC keep us posted and if there is anything we can do let us know.

It has been a fun Christmas, but excessively interesting. Happy New Year to Everybody!


Blogger Jackie said...

Safe & fun trip home. Good to have both of you here and able to spend time with Mother which she did enjoy seeing you although missed feeding crackers to Leo. Worked out as Vicki had been there so floors clean! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.

5:58 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

No. We took Leo the dog into Mother's place when we had Leo so there is some authentic Leo fur shed especially to welcome Mother back. We'll call someone when we get in yesterday so they can tell Mother we made it back alright.

9:34 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

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9:34 AM  

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