Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wed Update

Mother looking good! But this morning as she lay sleeping the lights suddenly went on & a lady got her up, got her dressed & wheeled out & left by the desk next to the little dining room. It was 5:45am ish. She hadn't been warned that they get you up early for 7:30 breakfast in the "theraphy dining room". I told Tanya that 7am would be so much better. Leave her for the last to get up & ready. While I was there Karen from the office came to go over a bunch of stuff like insurance, rules, etc and left copy of all she signed with other info in a blue folder that I put on the nightside table. This weekend I want to see about that little hair dryer & her rollers for the next time they shower/wash her hair. Norma left today & a new roomie will be brought in this evening sometime.


Blogger Blaine said...

We left there at 9 PM and she had no roommate yet.

9:28 PM  

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