Friday, February 24, 2012

Good News

Mother will be released on Tuesday March 6! Hooray!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Update on Mother

Mother has the walker in her room and the wheelchair is gone. She's eating off the regular menu with only a few subs like no fish. Has her tea with breakfast and excited that yesterday a glass of water. But one foot swollen more than earlier in the week. I'm taking her 27th to heart doctor appointment. She thanks all for their prayers, cards and concern. PERHAPS another week or so till home. Wait and see.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For Marshall and Diane

Now, from EVA, a Taiwan based airline... THE HELLO KITTY FLIGHT!

For the next time you want to go to Hawaii

Friday, February 10, 2012

Photos of Mother

A couple of photos of Mother at family night at Bayshore Pointe. She seemed to enjoy getting out of her room and being with family and others. My music friend, Ronny Elliott whose Mother is also there, came over and spoke to her. Look at the picture of Meghan behind the wheel chair and note the neat little "star" that she twisted in the beaded necklace that they gave her. Must be her girl scout training.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Update on Mom and photos for Scott

There was a meeting with staff about Mother today, and Jackie, Elizabeth and I were at it. I'm sure Jackie and Elizabeth will expound on it more in the comments section, but for me the upshot of it all was that the man from therapy felt they MAY be looking a couple of weeks more for them to let her go home. It would depend also on the speech therapist on how she is handling the eating and swallowing problems.

For Scott since he is VERY interested in the little bar across the street (must want to know where he can find a beer in that area) I have included a day and night photo of it.

BTW this is directly across from the window of Mother's room now that they have moved her. (Not that she is on the side of the room next to the window and can see the bar.)

Monday, February 06, 2012


Here's a picture one of our Vietnamese friends took of the Tet party we went to a few weeks ago. That's Maggie (the one on the left).

ps: How's Mother doing? Can she talk on the phone yet?

Friday, February 03, 2012

My Groundhog Day Dental Appt.

All went really well yesterday especially since I took 2 "I don't care" pills and could barely navagate on my own to the appt. Think I went to sleep just before he stuck the roof of my mouth with the needle as I recall nothing until was told "all done!".
Slept from 3ish until 6pm. Woke once about 1:30am & felt big discomfort but not really bad pain but took a pain pill just to go back to sleep. Now I'll have the gap for month or so until he does the implant. If you ever need a paradontist (or however you spell it) this guy really good & has a great staff.

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Update and photos

Mother was moved to another room today. Had more to do with administration than anything with her condition. Dr. Black was there this morning and said other than being borderline anemic everything was good on her blood work that they had taken yesterday. Her feet have gotten better and don't seem to have the fluid running that they did. She is eating well and I keep taking the flan that Judy brings over to her for a between meal snack. She thinks that her therapy is going well and feels that she is getting stronger. We will meet with someone next week on her program and what the future holds.

A couple of photos from outside her building. One is the sign, and the other is for Jenifer as a nice "architectural view" of the building entrance area.