Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Update on Mom and photos for Scott

There was a meeting with staff about Mother today, and Jackie, Elizabeth and I were at it. I'm sure Jackie and Elizabeth will expound on it more in the comments section, but for me the upshot of it all was that the man from therapy felt they MAY be looking a couple of weeks more for them to let her go home. It would depend also on the speech therapist on how she is handling the eating and swallowing problems.

For Scott since he is VERY interested in the little bar across the street (must want to know where he can find a beer in that area) I have included a day and night photo of it.

BTW this is directly across from the window of Mother's room now that they have moved her. (Not that she is on the side of the room next to the window and can see the bar.)


Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Great pics of the bar...I think they capture the ambiance of the establishment.

I think Blaine summed up the meeting today. Apparently they only do these meetings every 3-months and usually for the long term patients. In the end they basically said they will tell us when they think Mother is ready to leave and a couple weeks would be the earliest. They were very happy that Mother liked the food and I think are willing to get her what ever type of food Miranda (the speach therapist who monitors her eating) is willing to say she can have. Miranda let her have some tea (unthickened) this morning. I think they indicated that Mother's liquids would now be "less" thickened. Also, Mother said the therapist told her they upgraded her and she would have a walker in the room so she could walk to the bathroom....but she would still need to call for someone to come and walk with her.

6:16 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I was pleased with the meeting and I felt Mother enjoyed getting out to something different. The way it works, or the way I understood it, if the therapists show 5 consecutive days of staple consistancy or improvement she goes to the "next level" which means closer to going home.

5:40 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Tonight is "Family Night". Food (spagetti/salad/red velvet cake MAYBE. Games, music, etc. Perhaps Blaine will get a photo or 2 to share.

3:08 PM  

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