Thursday, February 02, 2012

Update and photos

Mother was moved to another room today. Had more to do with administration than anything with her condition. Dr. Black was there this morning and said other than being borderline anemic everything was good on her blood work that they had taken yesterday. Her feet have gotten better and don't seem to have the fluid running that they did. She is eating well and I keep taking the flan that Judy brings over to her for a between meal snack. She thinks that her therapy is going well and feels that she is getting stronger. We will meet with someone next week on her program and what the future holds.

A couple of photos from outside her building. One is the sign, and the other is for Jenifer as a nice "architectural view" of the building entrance area.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Nice pictures birthday boy. Now....will your oh so popular and oh so busy daughter be able to find the time to look at these?

Ha, ha Jen...I read your letter!

6:14 PM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Saw mother tonight. I think she had been a little surprised when they were wheeling her back from somewhere (therapy?) to her room and the aides were bringing all her stuff out the door to move her to the other room. I had to go back down to her old room and get all her items that were in the bathroom, and her wheelchair leg rests, and I took all the towels and hospital gowns that had been in her drawer. But it's a nice room and mother said her roommate was nice....she was not there for us to meet - had gone down to watch a movie. The visiting doggie had just left Mother's room but Meghan and I got to see her before she left for the cute and soft and well trained. Mother's night nurse is Mary and there were a few things I wrote down so Mother would remember to ask her/ pillow on bed, can they add the extra seat over toilet like in her other room, make sure she gets her eyedrops at night. Bed is automatic so that is good; TV is down on the chest of drawers so that is good (was killing my next to look at the one on the wall). Looking forward to going to the meeting next Wed. I saw the letter they left with Mother and I will call to confirm we will be there.

8:49 PM  
Blogger Clemens said...

Why isn't there a picture of the sleezy little biker bar across the street?

Just asking.

And thanks for the updates!

(I was almost ready to call one of you)

10:32 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

I'm not the type of person that goes looking for sleezy bars myself, but you must have made notes, Mr. Clemens (If that's really your name.)

1:39 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Excited to see Mother in new room. Will double check that everything got moved & that all her clothes went with her & not to the laundry. Glad she' got an ambulatory roommate!

6:20 AM  
Blogger Clemens said...

"Visiting doggie"? "So cute and soft and well-trained"?

Does this mean we can bring Leo?

11:59 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Yes I'm sure Leo would be welcome but first I'll check at the front desk for you as he might have to "be interviewed". HA!HA1
I'll bring a cracker for Mother to drop on the floor.

2:39 PM  

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