Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Merlefest

It was a beautiful weekend for the MerleFest-the big bluegrass festival that is held across the creek from our front yard every year. A few years ago the Fest managers pumped $40,000 into the sound system so now we can practically hear the whole thing from our bedroom. In fact, a few years ago I was able to tell everyone that I had had Dolly Parton in the bedroom. It starts on Thursday night and goes until late Sunday afternoon. Laura says that when it stops you suddenly think you are deaf. Sunday morning as I got up I could hear Doc Watson himself singing and talking. He's about 80 now and we don't know how much longer he can go.

This year I waited until Sunday to go with my friend Rosemary, her friend Jerry and another couple. It was overcast, which made it chilly, which was the way I like it. I met Jerry and Rosemary at the sand sculpture - this time it was of bears playing musical instruments and acting silly. It was called 'The Big Bad Burly Bear Band. A blow for alliteration in everyday life.

First we all went to hear Allison Brown, whom I'd never heard of. She is a banjo player and very good. It was at one of the smaller venues so we could set up close - in fact it was hard to avoid it. After that we went to hear Pete Seeger. I thought he was dead, and had been for some years, but he is still alive and pickin' at 87. His grandson, a tall handsome man with a good voice, performed with him. Then I went off on my own to hear John Craven and his jazz band. I think I enjoyed them the most since they were funny, and very very good. Again, I was only about 25 feet from the stage on a hillside steep enough that I was looking down on the band. Later I wandered around and listened to some little bands where I could sit close and practically shake hands with the players. For the finale I sat out at the big Watson Stage, built years ago for the Fest, and listened to Bela Fleck and the Flecktones. This included Mr Futureman and his amazing electronic percussion section that he wears strapped to his chest like a warped electric quitar.

Got back home, got Laura and then went off to a Mexican restaurant with the others. We were going to Monte de Rey, but the daughter of the other lady who was with us works for the health dept and advised us against it. Something about the last kitchen inspection. So we went to the other Mexican restaurant.

It was all a lot of fun. Last year the MerleFest dropped something like $14 million into the local economy. Blaine really should try to come up and see it before he gets too old and creaky. I would suggest next year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK Scott - I finally just now heard about the site. Never got the email. I want to go to the Merlefest too! Maybe one year Meghan and I will have to come up. She and I have been enjoying our Busch Garden's passes. Every school/work day off we get we try to go - have been about 4-5 times this year. Her favorite ride is the Python - I don't know what I'll do when she decides she wants to try the bigger rides - I guess bring a friend for her to ride with. The passes are also good for Sea World and Adventure Island. We went to Sea World one time and next chance we have free we are going to try Adventure Island. I have 2 passes for 50% off Busch Gardens if someone in the family would like to use them - first come first serve. Meghan's last day of school is May 25. She has her dance recital June 4 (Sunday evening). If anyone desires tickets to see it, please let me know by May 22. It's at the performing arts center - very nice. The week of June 5 she will go to a little summer camp at St. Mary's school and then she will start back to the day care (Children's Nest). Well, will save some for later. Elizabeth

10:20 PM  

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