Saturday, November 24, 2007

At Lucy Harper's

(top Elizabeth, Meghan and Carlyn/bottom Sally Lucy (standing) Mother)

Pictures at what appears to be our annual "After Thanksgiving Luncheon" at Lucy Eppes Harper in Pinellas. Phillip didn't come as he had a cold & didn't want to give it to any of us.

Lunch, as usual, was yummy and lots of take home bags. For instance: she baked 24 rolls for the 6 of us.

Attendees were Mother, Elizabeth, Meghan, Lucy & her sisters Sally Charles and Carlyn (from New Orleans. Jen, Sally lives just outside of St Louis and wants you to see her up-for-sale old home in Hammon or something like that.

Friday, November 23, 2007

More pictures

Realized I left out any of Elizabeth & Meghan. And also here's a picture of the "bookends" and look they are small!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving at Blaine & Judy's

We are all stuffed as usual. Here are some pictures. Hope all of you that were missing had a lot of turkey with all the trimmings. Thomas & Gail were a bit late as her Mother had to go to hospital & stay overnight for observation. Don't know what is wrong.
Can anyone tell me how to make these pictures smaller. The pics others post aren't this big.

Monday, November 12, 2007

North Carolina Pics

Well, we made it back from N.C. (minus my driver's license). Here are a few pictures. I hope they post in the order I put them in.

Here is Meghan and Maggie showing off their purchases after their trip to Mystery Hill.

It was fairly cold by our standards but not for Scott. But the sun was always out and it didn't rain. Here is a picture of a pretty stone Episcopal church in Blowing Rock? I think it was Blowing Rock.

Here are Meghan's words about her trip: I went to alot of different places. Some are Mystery Hill, Magic Mountain and Maggie, her mom, Laura, and I went to see the Bee Movie. Magic Mountain is a gem stone mining place. You buy a small, medium, or large bucket with gravel and gems (the gems are scattered around). Next you take a shovel and put the gravel in a sifter with maybe some gems. Then you put the sifter into the moving water and move it around to clean off the gravel and gems. When you've cleaned them off, you take the gems and put them in the bag. When you've finished, you take the bag and the bucket inside, they ask you if you want any of you're gems cut (if you do, they'll send the cut gem(s) back to you). I had a rose quartz cut into a pendant. At Mystery Hill there is a "weird" room that slants. You have a very hard time walking in the room and it makes you feel kind of dizzy and seasick. There is a ball that you set down on a shelf and it rolls UP the shelf. Also, you can take a cup of water and pour it in a spigot and it travels UP the pipe and comes out at the top. Then there is a room where you can stand in front of a white wall, turn on a light for 10 seconds and then turn the light off, step away from the wall and your shadow stays on the wall. There was a bubble room where you can stand in the middle of a big hoop and have someone try to put a big bubble up over you.

And here is one of the mountains and what was left of the color. I think last week was the peak but we didn't care. It was still pretty. I just realized I didn't take many pics of people (mother, Scott and Laura) - sorry.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Meghan Pics

Meghan on Hallaween 2007. Can't remember what she said she was supposed to be. There were some "evil" pics but Elizabeth will have to post those. Meghan at beach June 2007 with a marshmellow.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Almost Time!!

We are all set (almost) to fly to NC. Scott, I don't know if you got my email about our flight Thurs. because I kept getting a notice that it wasn't deliverable. We will be arriving Charlotte at 5:09 p.m. on United 2440. It says United Arilines Operated by US Airways, so I don't really know what that means as far as where you look for us. We are all very excited and I know it will be cold (for us and Laura but not you Scott), so I keep packing all these clothes. I think in the a.m. I will have to unpack some things.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Not For Mother's Eyes

Let me know who would be interested chipping in to get Mother a DVD/VHS player for Christmas. Know that she would love to watch the Perry Mason series. John bought it down but to transfer to VHS (which she has) it would have cost MUCH more than the DVD version.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Back from Washington

Laura and I just now got back from Washington. The cats have had such fun without the dog that they were setting in the living room at the door waiting for us. That's the first time I have ever seen them do that.

The trip was a lot of fun, except when we got there I opened up the trunk .... and it was empty. I went to Laura and said, "Honey, did you put the suitcase in the car?" She looked at me blankly and said, "Why would I do that? YOU always put the suitcase in the car because I can't lift it."

So she spent the first day in Georgetown trying to find normal clothes at a reasonable price in Georgetown. One very prissily dressed metrosexual sales assistant told her that most everything in G-Town was for "the young and trendy." But she finally found just what we needed.

We had time to have dinner last night with Steve and Cindy at an excellent Mexican restaurant that because it was owned by Cuban Americans also served wonderful Cuban dishes. On the way back to the hotel all of Wisconsin Ave was blocked by police cars and ambulances. Turns out an irate customer tried to burn down one of the clubs by tossing a can of gasoline onto the bouncer at the front door. Later there was a police helicopter hovering absolutely motionless over our hotel with a search light looking for the guy.

Anyway, as you can see the whole trip was a lot of fun, except for Laura's enforced day of shopping. I guess she just wasn't young and trendy enough to enjoy it.

Our Trip To Austin

Good grief it worked but these pics are huge. How to I get them smaller. The icon did come up but it was BEHIND the blog!

Had a fantastic time with the beautiful Austin family. Art, not being used to 8-9 hr days playing with a 3-year-old was exhausted and sore nightly. Even a bruise on his arm from carrying her around. Wish I had taken a picture of his face when she said "granddad would you carrying me on your shoulders?" He had the best time of his to West Palm Beach. I have been trying this week to put pictures on the blog but nothing happened when I clicked on the picuture icon. I will post this anyway and if you don't see pictures would be please tell me what's wrong and help fix it.