Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last trip this Christmas to see Mother

It's early for me: 8:15. I am going to swill down some coffee and head down to the hospital to see Mother. When Laura and I saw her yesterday she seemed to have recovered from her 'nonresponsiveness." She had much more energy and looked alert. Still seems to have as much sense as any of us. A bit more than some of us. I managed to knock her IV out. The fluid mixed with a bit of blood and look like she was bleeding all over the place but the nurses rushed in and took care of it. It was mostly IV fluid anyway.

I hope that she will be able to get her strength back and be able to go back to her own condo at least for awhile yet. I assume changes will have to be made. The first day in town I heard Mother and Gertrude talking about what to do for extra help. I think Steve Osteen will help with whatever financial arrangements might be needed.

With all the little new communication devices we are all just a click away. Well, most of us. When we get back to NC keep us posted and if there is anything we can do let us know.

It has been a fun Christmas, but excessively interesting. Happy New Year to Everybody!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Change in Mother's condition

This afternoon after the start of her physical therapy Mother fainted, or as they say, "was unresponsive." Blaine was there with her. The staff at the rehab center immediately called 911 and she was transported back to Memorial Hospital. When Laura and I got there initial tests had been run but didn't seem to tell us very much. She is now readmitted to the hospital. When I last spoke to her she seemed to be feeling better and was certainly clear headed. But it is clear the day took a lot out of her and she was tired.

Tomorrow we hope to know more.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Update on Mother

Mother was transported from the hospital to a rehab center tonight about 8:00 p.m.  Here they will work on getting her walking maybe a little better and help her learn how to get up and down a better way then what she might have been use to.  After being in the hospital bed for a week she has gotten a little weaker and unsteady even though they have gotten her up and around the past couple of days.  I think her diet will still be a work in progress and limited in many things she can eat.  Maybe they can work on that at the rehab center too.  I'm not sure how long she will be there; I guess it depends on her progress.  I'm sure they will access her tomorrow.  The rehab center is a newer one then the one Dad was in and I'm glad they didn't choose that same one for Mother.  I know she disappointed not to be going straight home but she didn't show it very much.  Will write more updates as I know more.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Scott and Angela

One of the Christmas photos from the party at Elizabeth's. Angela, Judy's niece, came over again this year, and everyone was asking her how old she was. Since there were more than fifteen people there she was asked a lot. When people were leaving she was asked one more time by someone that hadn't heard. She sounded a little exasperated and said " I'm STILL five!" Here she is with Scott.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

New Update for Mother - Christmas Eve

The doctor was at the hospital this morning and Jackie was there.  The test results from yesterday showed, not an obstruction but a narrowing in part of the small intestine.  They are thinking they might not have to do surgery.  They have upgraded her from a clear liguid diet to a full liguid diet (added things like oatmeal/cream of wheat, ice cream and pudding).  She seemed in good spirits today.  Says she doesn't sleep very well, but then again I don't think many people do in the hospital.  I think they will see how each progression in her diet goes and maybe it will help open it up. I have not talked to the doctor myself so not sure of specifics on the treatment plan (and maybe they are clear on the specifics either).  Will give more updates as I hear. 

Plan to take Meghan by tonight after church service at 5pm and the 2 of them can open their presents from each other tonight.  Meghan with her Dad until church and tomorrow I know it will be busy here at my house and at her room with everyone wanting to see her. 

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!   

Friday, December 23, 2011

Update on Mother

Mother had a barium swallow test this morning (I think that is what they called it).  It was quite hard on her...I think they had her down in x-ray for about 4-hours.  She perked up a bit after getting cleaned up and eating something - beef broth and jello (she's on a liguid diet).  They needed to do this test so they could get a better idea of where/what the obstruction might be (if there is one).  We will probably not know more until after Christmas.  I think surgery is still on the doctors' minds.  Maybe tomorrow (Saturday) we can get her walking a little.  Sunday will have to be done in shifts because it is too much for her to concentrate if too many people in the small hospital room.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Judy's list

I have struggled to get some information from Judy for this and have come up with:

Gift Card from Stein Mart or Target.

And at great risk, "I" will add some type of red wine (as far as something besides a gift card).

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Blaine just called and filled me in on Mother. Sounds like she is resting without pain and is awaiting a day of tests. We'll keep in touch. I e-mailed Elizabeth that we are on our way and will be there Thusday.

See everyone soon -


Mother and our trip

We got the text message that Mother is in the hospital. We intend to stick to our plan and should be in Tampa on Thursday. Please text us again with updates, or better, give us a call at our cell phones (I'll e-mail that to Elizabeth). Or just update this blog.

Hope everyone else is doing OK.

Monday, December 19, 2011

John & Karen's List for Christmas


Art supplies

Gift card from:, Ace Hardware


DVD's: Ladies and Gentlemen the Rolling Stones; The Shadow (with Alec Baldwin); Mad Dogs & Englishmen (Joe Cocker)

Books: anything on the Celts; Ireland; Scotland

Drink: Bushmills 10yr old single malt; Black Bush; regular Bushmills;
any good beer or wine or brandy

For Elizabeth, we will be leaving St. Augustine around 3:00 pm on Thursday for Tampa.

Laura's and Scott's Christmas list

I was going to say something uplifting like all we want for Christmas is love and peace, etc. Then I thought about it. Time to be realistic.

I want a top of the line BMW.

If that is too much for you to swing try this for:

The usual - books and booze.
Fancy beer. Brandy or cognac.
Gift certificate for Amazon or Barnes and Noble.
Inks, pens (no ball points!!).
Anything else will be gratefully accepted. Except for the ball points.

DVDs: "Rango," "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy," the original BBC production with Alec Guiness.
The Baker Street Journal (
Alarm clock with a snooze button and soothing alarm.

Not sure that last one doesn't defeat its own purpose. But ... that's it, except for this last one.

Thomas. If you get my name you can donate $$ to the Re-Elect Obama campaign.

Merry Christmas.


Friday, December 16, 2011


There has been a change to Meghan's list. Instead of the Kindle Fire, she has decided that she wants the Nook Color, again. She decided this because the Kindle Fire has had some problems. So its now the Nook Color.

Mother's List

Mother didn't want her list posted but I have it. Email me it interested.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jen's Christmas List

My DAD is the first person to post his Christmas list? My BROTHER has to text me a reminder to post mine? The men in my family are beating me to the punch. SMH. I am ashamed.

Jenifer’s List:

-loose tea

-opaque tights or solid socks (either one in a fun color)

-any perfume from Anthropologie

-Baggu reusable bags

-Declaration of Dependence by The Kings of Convenience

-Delirious New York by Rem Koolhaas


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Diane's Wish List:

Gift Cards:
Best Buy

Marshall's Wish List:

XBOX 360 Game:
FIFA 2012

Gift Cards:
Best Buy
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Monday, December 12, 2011

Thomas' Christmas List

Gift card from Lowe's or Home Depot
Gift card from Red Lobster

Gail's Christmas List

Gift card from Hancock or JoAnn's fabric store
Gluten-free Cookbook (been diagnosed as allergic to grains)

Wish Lists

ART: Red/Black flannel shirt size Large as seen at Target Men's Section
Gift Card Target

JACKIE: Walmart/Walgrens Neutrogena Wave Sonic 2 speed power cleanser
Gift Card Steinmart or Target

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Elizabeth's Christmas List

  1. Black Eyed Peas and/or Adele CDs
  2. A really good dust buster (Black and Decker maybe?)
  3. MOSHI MOSHI any color but black (see Meghan's list for pic)
  4. Gift Cards for: Stein Mart, Target, Kohl's, JCPenny's
  5. Make-You're-Own Whipped Cream Canister (like at William and Sanoma)
Meghan’s Christmas List!!! 2011 JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ
****Please talk to her Mother before buying items as you never know...they might have already been purchased by someone*****










Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thanksgiving photos and Christmas list

I was busy on thanksgiving and did not take many photos, other than getting John to take the all important Christmas card photo. This year's is number 39. Here are a couple that I did take.

As far as a Christmas present for me I would list the following.

Memory card for my camera. 8GB or 16GB depending on cost. SDHC with a speed of 20 mb/s.
A small pocket knife or pen knife about 2 to 3 inches long with two to three blades.
A flash drive of 4GB or larger would also do.
Gift cards to Best Buy or Lowes or Home Depot would also work.

OK, everybody hang your head (drum roll) I have my list up first. Don't wait too long.