Sunday, January 01, 2012


Well, Meghan and I staid up past midnight to see the ball drop in Times Square and wondered if Jenifer was there.  We had sparkling grape juice, poppers and sparklers.  I think I got a 5-min nap but with Meghan I don't get to rest much.....too many things to do.

Update on Mother - saw her at lunch after many visitors left.  Jackie had been there at breakfast, Blaine and Judy were there, Vickie was there, and Father Donlon came by.  Meghan was hungry (didn't like the free lunch that I got in the cafeteria - I thought it was delicious), so we didn't stay very long.  Now we are going to go do the laundry.

I don't think mother had a very good night.  Something she ate at dinner choked her and she said it bothered her throat all night.  Plus she said she was on the bed pan a lot last night and felt she had UTI but doctor told her just to drink more fluid.  So, she is drinking the water and I got her cranberry juice at lunch.  She told me her heart doctor said her heart beat was back to  normal and they could probably release her in the next day or so.....hope they don't decide to do that tonight at 8:00 like before.  They always tell you at the last minute and never give you any warning or time to prepare.  I'm a planner.....

Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful year in, prosperous and good health.


Blogger Jackie said...

Art has bad cold so we had our shrimp, bourbon weiners, boursin cheese with wheat thins and Verdi Spimonte (sp?) around 4:00pm. BUT he woke at 11:45 & turned on the TV so we saw the dropping ball, said Happy New Year and back to sleep. HAPPY HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE!!
Will have dinner today with Mother and order her breakfast. Perhaps tomorrow they'll take your off the cardio diet & she can have your hot tea.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... got a 10-15 minute nap...


7:37 PM  
Anonymous Elizabeth said...

Meghan thinks my nap was longer than 5 minutes...I will go with what she says since I was asleep.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

Hmmm. Sounds like some of the conversations Laura and I have. Except my naps usually last one or two hours.

Happy New Year to everyone!

10:23 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Scott, why are you taking such short naps?

11:02 PM  

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