Friday, January 06, 2012

Blaine's update on Mother

Was by to see Mother near the end of her breakfast. Miranda, the speech therapist, was with her and had seen about what she was eating and what she will eat. Mother ate the cream of wheat that she had gotten for her and eggs and yogurt. She will be on the pureed over the week end, and Miranda will start working on getting her on more solid foods next week when she is back to work. She knows Wendy the speech therapist over at Memorial and when I told her that had run the tests on Mom she said that she would call if they didn't have copies and get them. I told her what I knew about the results. They have thickened liquid in containers that they will bring for Mother and one was there on the table this morning. Oh, Miranda said she would order the "Magic Cups" for Mother twice a day. Mom said that she liked those.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Meghan and I saw Mother at dinner tonight. She didn't eat much and complained of an ear ache. She said she didn't know who to tell....I told her to tell her nurse and she said she didn't know who that was. I told her to ring her button and tell whoever came in. I walked down to the desk several times and never saw anyone who could help....probably all on break. One time there was a lady but she ended up answering phone before I could ask and going somewhere.

8:54 PM  
Blogger Blaine said...

Laura, one of the nurses that she had before, checked on it when Judy and I were there tonight. She was going to get some tylnol and antibiotics if the doctor say ok.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Nurse I met was Tanya, the one who found Mother uprespondive right after she got back from her "workout". She seems to be very aware of Mother's condition and what she needs & doesn't need.

5:55 AM  
Blogger Scott said...

Magic cups?

6:03 PM  
Blogger Scott said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

6:11 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Magic cups are some type of fortified pudding I think but Blaine or Elizabeth probably know exactly. I'm going to go around breakfast....when that is exactly is not known to me as meal delivery times not exact...lunch often 1 or after. Perhaps Monday I can obtain a schedule and schedule of walker theraphy and we can learn when she can graduate from pureed food as she thinks she's going to be eating that from now on.

6:38 AM  

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