Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Brownies & Dance

Well tonight was a very busy night for Meghan and myself. Her father (Darius - remember him), picked her up from after-care and took her to CiCis (the pizza place). Her dance class was having a pizza party because they had the best attendance during the year for a small class. I showed up as they were winding down to take her home to shower and change for her last Brownie's meeting of the year. It was a end of the year party and ceremony thing. I got to eat dinner there - they had chicken nuggets (Chick-fil-A I think), fruit and cookies/ice cream. Meghan received her prizes from the Girl Scout Cookies Sales (she was the 2nd highest seller), and she recieved a patch for sports. I also recieved a recognition prize for driving/chaperoning the Disney on Ice trip last Friday (nice mug). It was all very nice but we didn't get home until 8:30 which on a normal night, Meghan is usually asleep by then (tomorrow morning should be interesting). Of course when we got home we had to look thru all her cookie prizes. She especially likes the cell phone radio.

Well, I want to finish reading my book from the library (The Spider's Web by Peter Tremayne - Mother & I have been reading his series of Celtic mysteries) so will sign off now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea! Another post. So all you got for chaperoning all those little girls was a mug!!?? Well, at least they appreciated it. Tell Meghen I am impressed she won second place - this from her uncle who couldn't sell life rafts on the Titanic. Does she get that from you?

Take care,

12:54 AM  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Well....I'm not so sure she did much selling. She did ask the family members that were around though. I'm the worst when it comes to selling too - it helps that I work with a bunch of guys that like cookies! Also, her father is a pretty good salesman too. The mug is pretty neat - one of those car mugs that isn't suppose to spill.

8:45 PM  

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